Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Dawkins Delusion

"The God Delusion" a delusion in and of itself, is the pointless writing of Dr. Richard Dawkins, self appointed minister of the mindless and godless. He states in his book, The God Delusion, that the probability of a God was 95% to 99% impossible. As a scientific philosopher, I wonder where the factual references are for such a statement. Where does the man come up with these figures? Perhaps out of his own ‘de-conversion’ since he found Darwin, or behind his smile, there is a lying maniacal individual. It is hard to tell. He seems pleasant enough and soft spoken in lecturing; however his pattern of behavior is of one bent on ‘de-converting all.’

He is somewhat well versed on Darwinian Theories and scientific information. I can only assume there is in him a sense of awe at the beauties of nature, yet he has only peered into the flask of biological chemistry so far to validate his views and dares not go further. For if he did, there is an overwhelming mountain of evidence; both data driven and empirical logic, as Einstein would phrase it, to have him take a second look through the microscope. He seems rather prejudice against Intellectual Design , believing the phrase equates to a supreme being, and if it does not, life’s spark may have originated else where in the vastness of space through some Darwinian-type of unguided mutation and one in 100 to the 10the power, precisely landed on this planet which was in the correct life zone away from its host star to be friendly to such a life, which is again very unlikely that that life form would be welcome in this environment.

After reading the book, if anything, I came to the conclusion the man does not understand or grasp the science of translation and archeology, is rather delusional of his own importance, or just delusional.

The argument of whether there is a God as a Divine Creator or there is a Pre-programmed subatomic particles which obey pre-determined rules and laws or there is not. For in studying Charles Darwin’s hypothesis, there are too many open-ended statements which are not scientific and not factual, even though proponents loudly proclaim, “It has all been proven.” I have yet to find any evidence except fossil remains of ancient animals in stratification with an odd ‘explosion’ (all scientists use this terminology, so it should not offend the scientific minds of Darwinian thinking). There is no more proof that one hip bone is related to another hip socket than one can prove the existence of God.

The religionists cannot prove that God exists, except the spiritual witness they feel within, and the Evolutionists cannot prove Charles Darwin’s poorly scripted hypothesis is anything but true, except their excitement in digging through stratifications, believing that the emergence of a more developed animal proves mutational selectivity upgrading itself. There are no explanations, for example for all the microbial life form fossils at the first strata. It has become a game of ‘Pick Your Own Ancestor.’

Also the DNA genome similarities of apes to man does not prove anything, except in the eye and mind of the beholder. With the new research dealing with the mRNA possessing the protein information and the miRNA appearing to posses the instructions and directional information, the closeness of one animal to another means only that a preprogrammed DNA went through transcription and mRNAs and miRNAs have the knowledge to produce billions of similar creatures without any relationship whatsoever. And if one was to analyze the probability of the DNA molecule alone without out the cells, the membrane, the transcription machines which know what to do and the holding containers where the proteins fold, plus all the other little hundred little mechanics that had to be operational first so the DNA could work its wonders. An individual would have to be deaf to the truth; blind to reality, and stupid to the issue of these pieces mutating to operate, with Negative Entropy as a nemesis, a parent would not survive long enough to have offspring let alone last a thousand years for “unguided mutational selectivity” to magically to it job. Talk about believing in the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause. Darwinian Swiss Cheese is the proof alone of a Divine Creator. There needs to be none other.

However, to side with the Scientists, Creation is a long process, and that is where Theology has missed the boat in ‘bible-thumping’ and being ignorant about ancient languages, translation, scribal prejudice, and the multiplicity of copies of all the early tests, let alone the very fact it is easier for Jehovah to say to Moses concerning the Creation, I said, “Let there be Light;” rather than bringing volumes on particle physics, chemistry, botany, biology, and nuclear fusion. Religionists, God used knowledge and science in creation. Look around, the testimony is in front of you. If you would not be so stubborn about the ‘literal 6-day, 24-hour time clock,’ or the 6,000 years of creation; but learn a bit of truth from scientists, maybe the scientists would not be agnostics or atheists.

I do not care about percentages of scientists who go to church and believe. It is a pointless debate. To place one's argument against the Purpose and Design in Physics and Creation, based upon the number of PhD’s whom are atheists is poor logic indeed, even if 96% claimed no belief in a Creator God. Conversely, scientists holding to the Theory of Intelligent Design, or Determined Creationism, also have no more validation of Theories due to numbers of followers. Scientific facts and physical laws, which subatomic particles seem to obey and abide by, whether these principles are fully understood or yet to be discovered by mankind, are matters of fact in spite of a majority consensus.

When creationists hold us score cards demonstrating how many scientists are believer, and use the numbers for substantiation, their arguments are mute. It matters not if the entire scientific community is against a true principle. Percentage of voters does not validate an Axiom, Hypothesis, or Theory. I will oppose the lofty realm of Scientific jargon and use the common accepted definitions applied to these words. I distain ‘science’ jargon gone wrong, when used to elevate one to a lofty realm of academia.

Theodore Menline Bernstein, associate editor loved pointing lancets to attorneys, physicians, and scientists for their wordy missing the target attempt of expression, in his famous book, entitled, The Careful Writer, Bernstein wittingly wrote:

“In nature wind and fog do not normally coexist.
In language, however, they sometimes do, and the greater the wind the more impenetrable the fog.
This linguistic writing style is known as Windfoggery.
Windfoggery embraces gobbledygook, that wordy, involved and often unintelligible language usually
associated with bureaucracy and big business. But it also includes the self-important circumlocution of ordinary orators, the pretentious pseudoscientific jargon of the pseudosciences, and the monumental unintelligibility of some criticism of those arts that do not readily accept the bridle of plain words."

Dr. Dawkins, when cornered has lowered his number on several occasions, as much as down to 55%. He does not know; because he allowed that spark of the divine do burn out. Pure Science and Pure Religion come from the same Creative Source. The Almighty controls the elements. Christ controlled the elements of the H2O molecules to support his weight. His Father can bring order out of chaos. And in the original Hebrew the translation is closer to 'organization' and 'order' of existing matter; not creating matter out of nothing.

As with the three laws of thermodynamics, matter cannot be created or destroyed and the laws of Thermodynamics are a subset to the Laws of Pure Matter.

Matter can exist in at least four different forms:
1. Matter – all subatomic particles which make up the Neutron have a magnetic charge
2. Light
3. Energy
4. Gravity

It is when the Ultimate Black Hole (a Class 4 Black Hole), which still contains all of the subatomic particles – even light and energy are again in the state of matter of billion of galaxies – this last stage of a Black Holes (Class 4) are unstable like the miniature counterpart, the Neutron, which has a decay life of 14 minutes before the laws of magnetism force it apart to become a Hydrogen Atom. The Class 4 Black Hole is also unstable, since two opposing charges cannot exist in the exact same space and time. Gravity will eventually give way. The repulsion of polarity is far too great at this density for even gravity to hold the sphere together.

A typical Class 4 Black Hole would consist of 90 to 140 billion galaxies, compressed roughly to the size of our moon. However it would be a time bomb. When the decay process would begin, it would be over in an instant. Therefore, the symbolic words "Let there be Light!" would express all those who had faith in Divine determinism, would not need to have a library of explanation. With great unimaginable force, Neutrons would be thrown in a parabolic explosion, and shortly decaying into Hydrogen. The formation of galaxies and their black holes would be next, then suns, and in time suns running their progressive course until super novas produced all the elements needed for creation. There is no singularity. That hypothesis is absurd.

Unfortunately, Dawkins is both sloppy in his arrogance and guessed calculations and has entirely disseminated his doctrine to the duped masses.

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